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Distance Education

Library resources for distance education students.

Accessing DIgital Library Resources from Off-Campus

screenshot of log-in screen for Carmichael Librrary Online Resources - has two fields UM username and password

When you access library resources from off campus, you will be prompted to enter your UM username and password (the same username and password you use for Canvas).

Sign in Screen with two sections - with Find Your Institution highlighted and the other sign-in options (logging in with username and password) crossed through

When accessing some of our digital content, you may first see the screen shown above. Disregard the login portion of this screen. Instead, type "Montevallo" in the search field under "Let's Find Your Institution." Select "University of Montevallo" from the search results. You will then see the screen where you will log-in with your UM username and password.

Accessing Full Text in EBSCO Databases

There are several ways to access full text from an EBSCO database.  Follow these guidelines--and if you have trouble, remember to ask a librarian!