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POS 444 / ES 410 Introduction to Public Policy

Core Resources

  • Catalog of US Government Publications 
    A subject guide to journals, books, pamphlets, and government publications relating to economics, social conditions, and international relations.

  • GovInfo
    Provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. Includes free public access to official publications such as the Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Congressional Record, Congressional bills, Congressional hearings and reports, and laws.
  • National Security Agency / Central Security Service. Declassified Material  
    As NSA/CSS reviews records under the Freedom of Information Act or Mandatory Declassification Review provisions of Executive Order 13526, we will make the material available to the public via the website on the Internet. In addition, NSA/CSS periodically conducts "Special Topical Reviews" of categories of records, such as the Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, UKUSA, and posts those records to this site. Lastly, in accordance with the federal Open Government initiative, we will identify subjects and records for which there is a general public interest. We will meet transparency goals by reviewing those records and including them on this web page.

Track Legislation

    Track federal bills and view other sources of information from Congress, including the daily Congressional Record.
  • Open States
    Enter a U.S. address or select a state to research bills, view voting records, contact elected officials, and more.
  • billtrack50
    Free sign-up.  Sign up for an account to build your own search to see a short summary of results, and then click to see the full bill text, action history, voting records, plus sponsors and detailed contact information for all legislators. Additional tools available at cost.
  • LegiScan
    LegiScan is a real-time legislative tracking site for state and federal legislation in the United States. The free component of the site allows users to view and monitor changes to legislation in a single state and the U.S. Congress, as well as create basic reports on monitored activity
  • NCSL-50 State Searchable Bill Tracker
    Select atopic and find complete bill information. The status of bills listed in these databases is updated every week. Search by subtopics, year, status (e.g., pending, enacted, to governor, etc.) or enter keywords to identify bills.