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MC 360 Mass Communication Theory and Media Effects: Start Your Research

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Anna Mary Williford
(205) 665-6108

Doing Research on Media Effects

The purpose of this Library Research Guide is to help you navigate appropriate library databases to locate and cite media effects research articles, in order to prepare your research presentation for your MC 360 class.

  1. Find a research article: You will need to locate a scholarly research article to use for your presentation.  The article should have been published no earlier than 2013.
  2. Develop your presentation: You will need to summarize the research study from the article you've chosen, and explain how it connects to concepts you've discussed in class.

Theories and Themes

The following theories and themes from your class may be useful to bear in mind as you test out database searches:

  • Social cognitive and modeling theories
  • Agenda setting theory
  • Framing theory
  • Uses and gratification theory
  • Cultivation theory
  • Spiral of silence theory
  • Effects of media violence / fright
  • Effects of sexual and educational content
  • Effects of race & gender privilege / stereotyping
  • Effects of online media and the Internet
  • Effects of gender portrayals

Need more information on these theories?

Try searching Credo Reference, particularly the
titles related to Media & Communications

Credo's dictionaries and encyclopedias help
pin down definitions and concepts.