Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis : International Economic Trends and Country data
Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) : Download, Graph and Track and US and International financial factors including interest rates and trade balances.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is the center of the Eighth District of the Federal Reserve System. This District includes Arkansas, eastern Missouri, southern Illinois and Indiana, western Kentucky and Tennessee, and northern Mississippi.
The Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is responsible for advising the Bank president on matters of economic policy. The Division monitors the economic and financial literature and produces research in the areas of money and banking, macroeconomics, and international and regional economics.
GeoFRED : GeoFRED allows you to create, customize, and share geographical maps of data found in FRED®. Easily access the details and adjust how the data are displayed. You can also transform the data and download it according to geographic category and time frame.
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis : Includes domestic and International statistics and data on various financial factors such as
balance of payments, trades in goods and services, direct investment and multinational enterprises.