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FCS 281 Introduction to Nutrition

Evidence Based Research

Nutritionists and Dieticians conduct Evidence-Based research to support Evidence-Based Practice. The goal is to have the best outcomes for their clients.   

The Focus = finding evidence of the best methods, interventions and practices
The Evidence = found in the most current professional research literature
The Goal = best outcomes for the patient

Sample peer reviewed journal article about fasting :  
Effect of Alternate-Day Fasting on Weight LossWeight Maintenance, and Cardioprotection Among Metabolically Healthy Obese Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Evidence Based Practice


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


About Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice is an approach to health care wherein health practitioners use the best evidence poissible, i.e., the most appropriate information available, to make decisions for individuals, groups and populations.
Evidence-based practice values, enhances and builds on clinical expertise, knowledge of disease mechanisms, and pathophysiology. It involves complex and conscientious decision making based not only on the available evidence but also on client characteristics, situations, and preferences. It recognizes that health care is individualized and ever changing and involves uncertainties and probabilities.

Evidence-based practice incorporates successful strategies that improve client outcomes and derived from various sources of evidence including research, national guidelines, policies, consensus statements, systematic analysis of clinical experience, quality improvement data, specialized knowledge and skills of experts.

Viewed 9/12/2107

Library Databases for peer reviewed articles