Locate two peer-reviewed research articles, and provide a summary and analysis of the articles: articles must be published within the last 5 years, articles must be peer-reviewed research, and must be in the field of Family and Consumer Sciences
Choose a topic that relates to FCS and interests you!
Search databases for two articles:
When you have two articles, identify the following:
1. Purpose of Study (1 point)
2. Theoretical Framework (If any; if none, state that) (1 point)
3. Summary of sample and population used in study (1 point)
4. Data collection methods used in research (1 point)
5. Summary of Findings/key points (3 points)
6. Implications for FCS professionals (2 points)
7. Article reference, in proper APA format, including a hyperlink to the article if found online (1 point)
Develop a research proposal to further explore the selected topic. Ideas and observations should be transformed into a carefully designed project that could feasibly be conducted.
Your research proposal will include the following: