When you are access Human Anatomy Atlas from the library website, you are logged in with an institutional account. This means your favorites, notecards, and tours will not be saved once you log off. However, if you want to save these items, create a personal account by following the steps below.
1. Once in Human Anatomy Atlas, scroll to the bottom and click the gear (settings) icon.
2. A settings menu will appear, click Sign-in.
3. If you don't already have an account, click the sign-up link. Then enter your email and a password.
4. If you do have an account, enter your email and password.
On the Carmichael Library homepage, click the Databases button.
On the Databases page, click H. Then, scroll to find the Human Anatomy Atlas listing. Click the link.
Click on Human Anatomy Atlas button.
Click on the orange Launch button highlighted in green.
You have accessed the Human Anatomy site!