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EDF 600: Applied Research in Education and Behavioral Sciences

Search Tips

The search results screen for Academic Search Premier also has search limiters, but they are located in a different area. You can narrow your search results by using the limiters in the Refine Results panel (on the left side of the screen).

  • Under Limit By
    • check "Peer-Reviewed" 
    • check "Full-text"
  • Under Source Type
    • check "Academic Journals"
  • You can limit by a date range. 
    • Select a date range for the last 5 or 10 years. (ex. 2012 to 2022)

Using the Menu Options: Permalinks, Email, and Citation

  •     Click the link icon to access the permalink for the article. Do not use the url in the browser address bar.
  • Click the email icon to send a copy of or link to the article to your email account.
  •  Click the citation icon to copy and paste the citation information for the article.

Search Tips

The search results screen for Academic Search Premier also has search limiters, but they are located in a different area. You can narrow your search results by using the limiters in the Refine Results panel (on the left side of the screen).

  • Under Limit By
    • check "Peer-Reviewed" 
    • check "Full-text"
  • Under Source Type
    • check "Academic Journals"
  • You can limit by a date range. 
    • Select a date range for the last 5 or 10 years. (ex. 2012 to 2022)

Using the Menu Options: Permalinks, Email, and Citation

  •     Click the link icon to access the permalink for the article. Do not use the url in the browser address bar.
  • Click the email icon to send a copy of or link to the article to your email account.
  •  Click the citation icon to copy and paste the citation information for the article.

PsycINFO is a comprehensive and authoritative resource for locating scholarly research findings in counseling, educational psychology and related fields. Graduate students in counseling should consult PsycINFO for research articles. . 

PsycINFO Database Tips: How do I know if an article is peer-reviewed and Quantitative or Qualitative research? 

Use the following Search Options to narrow your search:

  • Publication Type :  Peer Reviewed Journals   
  • Methodology: : Qualitative Study or Quantitative Study 
  • Refine to Last 10 Years 

Follow these Steps to Narrow Your Search to Qualitative or Quantitative Study

Step 1. Make sure you are in PsycINFO

Step 2.  In Search Options (below the search boxes) CHOOSE Publication Type : Peer Reviewed Journal 

Step 3. In Search Options (below the search boxes) CHOOSE Methodology  CHOOSE Qualitative Study or Quantitative Study 



ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a comprehensive database of resources in the field of education. Undergraduates and graduate students pursing research in the field of education should consult ERIC for journal articles and other material.  

ERIC Database Tips: How do I know an article is peer-reviewed and research?

Search Strategy:  Refine Search to: 

  • Limit to:  Peer Reviewed 
  • Limit to: Last 10 years 
  • Limit to: Academic Journals  

Be sure the search result Citation Record includes :

  • Peer Reviewed :  Yes
  • Publication Type:  Journal Articles; Reports - Research
  • Accession Number : EJ
📌 Did you know there are two versions of ERIC: a version the library subscribes to ERIC (EBSCOhost) and a free version provided by the Institute of Education Sciences? To access more articles and  search features, be sure to the ERIC (EBSCOHost) version.


Find Your Terms in ERIC (EbscoHost)

  • Think of your research question in two or three concepts.  
  • Use the Thesaurus to build search terms for each concept
  • Enter your search terms in each box and seperate each term with  AND

Construct your search to explore: Social Media and Depression 

ERIC Thesaurus Terms Social Media  Depression  Age Group?
  Social Media Emotional Problems  
  Social Networks Emotional Disorders  
    Depression (Psychology)   


📌 To access a full list of the library's databases, click the Databases button in the yellow search on the library homepage.