ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a comprehensive database of resources in the field of education. Undergraduates and graduate students pursuing research in the field of education should consult ERIC for journal articles and other material.
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ERIC Thesaurus Terms | KEYWORD: Professional Learning Communities | KEYWORD: School Improvement |
KEYWORD: Leadership |
ERIC Thesaurus Term | Communities of Practice (Groups of people sharing an interest or profession who interact and collaborate in order to share knowledge and develop solutions for common problems.) |
Educational Improvement (Enhancing the value or quality of education (Note: Use a more specific term if possible -- do not confuse with "Educational Facilities Improvement") |
Transformational Leadership (Leadership characterized by support for collaboration and empowerment of individuals within a group to effect change) |
ERIC Thesaurus Term | Professional Development (Activities to enhance professional career growth) |
Educational Indicators Measures of the outcomes of educational institutions, programs, and practices, where resulting statistics are intended to inform educational policy |
Effective Schools Research (Educational research focused on identifying unusually effective schools, studying the underlying attributes of their programs and personnel, and designing techniques to operationalize these attributes in less effective schools. ) |